Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty.

-----Malachi 3:10-11 (New International Version)

Dearest Abba, Father, When it seems that we are actually, finally at our wits' end, and we've seen the end of all that we can do, that is when you are at your nearest. Help us to reach the end of our self so that we can experience Your best. Sometimes it seems that there is no solution for the problems we are facing. Nevertheless, you know everything. You can see the end. Since we are Your precious children, we believe that You will make the end more wonderful than our beginnings.

Don't let the enemy steal away the blessings you have showered up on us and don't let the devices of the enemy prevent the answers of our prayers reaching us. Take, Yahweh-Adonai, and receive all my abilities, my memory, my understanding and my will; all that I have and possess. You have given them to me; to you, O Lord, I give them back to you. All things are yours.Help me use them according to Your will to bring glory to Your mighty name. Give me your love and your grace. In Jesus' name. Amen